Fuck it, iSwear

Hey guess what? I CURSE. That's right, I curse. I'll give you some time to sweep whatever image of piousness you had of me away..

You done?

Ok, good. If cursing doesn't suit your precious sensibilities, I suggest you leave now.. because I'm about to curse all up and through this shit. As much as I hate to embarrass my parents by abandoning my 'good home training', I want to express my fucking self for a few minutes. So I was on Twitter today (follow me @illuminegro.. sorry for the shameless plug..) and I get this DM from some chick telling me that she is unfollowing me because I curse too much. Three things crossed my mind:

1) Damn, I lost one... I tried. *laughs hysterically*
2) Why not just unfollow me without the judgement.. this bitch is really falling off over a free-hosted website.
3) Look at her profile and try to determine what type of dementia she suffers from..

So I look at her profile, her bio says something about loving Jesus and her tweets are a series of non-cursewords like 'bish' and 'lmbo' and 'sh*t'... I mean this is the non-cursingest cursing motherfucker ever.. If you are going to take the time to call someone a 'bish', you may as well call her a BITCH as not to sound mentally retarded. Say 'bish' out loud. You can't verbalize the non-word 'bish' without sounding like Radio. Impossible.

Now, I'm all for #JesusTweeters, especially the ones I see in drunken pictures every Monday on Facebook, BUT why aren't Christians allowed to curse? Is that in your Bible? *flips pages* Nope.. not in mine. There is nothing wrong with cursing.. cursing is just an expression, just like every other word. Language is merely a means to express a mental process; words are the symbols of thought and of emotion. Why should a word be bad if it is merely a means to convey an emotion? Are my emotions bad? If so, then what should I do? Language is subjective, words are relative in their meaning and in their usage. What might be considered foul or “vulgar” in one culture, might be considered appropriate in another. The meaning of words changes with the times; vulgarity is relative. The word “gay” was once used to express an emotional state of an individual; today, it holds a direct homosexual connotation. What if in 10 years shit is used in place of poop? Will it still be a swear word? If not, then if I use shit in the future sense, am I still swearing? Perhaps I am a revolutionary. Should the fact that you are lagging behind my linguistic progression condemn me?


Admittedly, cursing isn't very ladylike but I'm not a fucking lady, I'm a WOMAN. Yes, there's a difference. Ladies have tea parties and wear stockings and shit. Ladies type LMBO while they giggle coquettishly. There are no ladies reading this post because I sent those bitches packing in the first paragraph.

I like to curse, it makes me feel grown. My favorite one has to be fuck.. or shit...or bitch, whore, shit-faced fucktard... really hard to choose from. They shouldn't even be called curse words. We use crap, darn, freaking, butt, butthole, what's wrong with saying shit, damn, fucking, ass, asshole?

Christians, are you arrogant enough to believe that God focuses in on certain words in the ENGLISH language and forbids that we say them? People are seemingly mindless drones that do whatever anyone tells them to do and not to do. 

#ThingsStupidBitchesSay: If you curse, it means you have a very limited vocabulary.

So let me get this straight.. I'm only cursing because I'm, apparently, a DUMBASS that can't think of anything synonymous. So did you use the term 'limited vocabulary' instead of 'constricted lexicon' for the same reason?

Live and let live Oh Ye #JesusTweeters, that's all I'm saying. Get a FUCKING life.
