Baywatch Babe Jesus

"And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters."  -Revelation 1: 15

So Malcolm X the movie came on B.E.T. a couple of days ago and I turned it on right at the part where Malcolm was debating with the priest about the color of Jesus... interesting enough for me to write about.... sooooo I'm just going to throw this out there..

Jesus was a Black man.

Yeah I said it! Get mad! Don't take this as afrocentricity, its the truth. I know some will ask 'What does it matter?' but the truth always matters.

A little history lesson. Ham is the father of the Black race. His 4 sons, who eventually became nations were Cush (Ethiopia), Mizraim (Egypt), Phut (Libya), and Canaan (middle east). Todays middle east is not the same as biblical times. Ethiopia itself stretched well into the present day middle east. In biblical times the whole area was a melting pot between Hamitic people (Blacks) and Semitic people (Arabs). Jesus was a descendant of these people. Jewish is not a race but a religion. Jesus, regardless of admixture, by todays terms would be considered Black... All of the ancient portraits and statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus have them portrayed as Black, it was not until later when White Jesus and Mary showed up. Over 36 million Polish people continue to honor a Black Mary (Go Poland!). Jesus genetically was both Semitic and Hamitic...he got his Hamitic DNA from Rahab the Canaanite and also from Jezebel through her daughter Ahaziah whose offspring continued that Hamitic line up until the birth of Jesus. GOD told Joseph to hide Jesus in Egypt amongst black Egyptians...Wouldn't he stick out there? Why would God send Jesus to hide somewhere that he would stick out?


A white Jewish anthropologist named Maurice Fishberg in an article he wrote called "The Jews: A Study of Race and Environment" stated that

 'the Ancient Hebrews possessed largely black features such as woolly hair, dark skin, thick lips that folded, large heads, and projecting jaws....'

It is a fact that all of the major religions sprung out of Egypt and all derived from an Egyptian religious system...Greek mythology also is all Egypt...their supreme God, Zeus was really Ham the father of Cush, whom the greeks worshiped as Apollo. Cush's son Nimrod was worshiped as Hercules.

All of mankind sprung out of Africa...Ethiopia to be exact...The Garden of Eden was located in Ethiopia (read Genesis 2:11-13)...The oldest human remains ever found were in Ethiopia.

Brings me to my next subject..

WHY is Jesus White in so many paintings of Him?
There is/was a vast cover up to promote black inferiority...If you don't believe it you are in denial. I break this down the best way I can in many of my posts. Having a Black Jesus substantiates us, it makes us worthy, it makes us descendants of Kings and Queens. Before they even white-washed Jesus in paintings, they changed his name. Yeah that's right, Jesus' name is NOT EVEN JESUS. It is يشوع which translates into English as Yehshua. Jesus is a GREEK name. Now why would they give a HEBREW man a GREEK name? Oh, I don't know.. maybe it was because they wanted us to believe he was White. It is impossible for his name to be Jesus. In fact, there was no letter ‘J’ in any language prior to the 14th century in England. The letter did not become widely used until the 17th century. the Bible has been translated so many times that one would have to study translated directly from it's original language to English. It has been done, and is pretty close to today's translations albeit a few names to throw us off.

So after they changed his name to a White mans name, they changed his hair and skin in universally printed illustrations.. not just him, Mary is White at Wal-Mart, the 12 disciples are White at Big Lots. This is ridiculous! The derogatory term "Aunt Jemima" comes from Jobs daughter named Jemima, who was in the bible described along with her sisters, as being the most beautiful women of their era.

And Mormons swear up and down they're not racist. Are too!

Book of Mormon still says "cursed with a skin of blackness" despite all historic evidence. Jesus pictures are still universally white. Nothing but token blacks among the general authorities, none in the twelve, ever. Blacks are only patronized. Remember Cain and Abel from Sunday school? Remember when God marked Cain for his sins? I know EVERYONE has heard someone or another speculate that Cain's marking was Black skin. Well with most of the world's population being brown or black, I'm starting to believe Cain's mark was WHITE skin.

Racial equality is THE most important advance in the history of the United States, and the church is on the WRONG side. My objection is actually scientific. The "gospel" teaches that Adam and Eve were white and that blacks were blackened by God after the fact. Bull Sh1t. Black skin predates white skin by millions of years. White skin is nothing more than the gradual deletion of pigment genes in the population after migrating to northern latitudes where they're not protective.

One more question.

Does this look like lamb's wool to you?