In terms of racism towards non-brown people, I prefer to use the words 'black supremacy'. The term black supremacy is a blanket term for various ideologies which hold that Africans are superior to other races. I do not believe that I am a black supremacist, but I can, however, see how some simple-minded individual could could come to that conclusion. The distinction between my blog and other popular blogs comes with respect to how MY blog manifests in socio-political dynamics along racial lines. Abagond made me realize alot of things.
I do not hate white people. Am I racist against them? No. Do I sometimes have a hard time trusting them? Yes. Do I hate some of the things they do? Yes. But do I hate anyone just for being white? No, of course not. Even with racist jerks I try to hate the sin not the sinner. I do not want to put people in a box. I want them to surprise me and sometimes they do. But too many times White people act like they went to the same Secret Course on Whiteness that I was not invited to.
Some people assume that because I say bad things about whites I must hate them, that I think they are pure evil, that no one else in the world is evil, that I do not know that black people can be evil too. No, it is not like that. It is just that white people do bad things too and, unlike with black people, it tends to get overlooked or played down.
Have white people done good things? Of course. I would have died years ago if it were not for modern medicine. There would be no Internet or television game shows. Etc. There is a White woman in my life named Sharon Jobe that has been there for me since I was 1 years old. Ellen DeGeneris is my all-time favorite television personality ever, and enriches my life with an hour of fun daily. White people were the first to make ice-cream, I certainly wouldn't be the same without that.
Have white people made progress? Of course. In America they no longer use whips and chains on black people to force them to work for free. They no longer force blacks to sit at the back of the bus or hang them from trees. A big fraction of them – more than I expected – voted for a half black guy for president, etc.
I am not racist. I am not a black supremacist. I do not think Blacks are better than Whites.
Whites have the same hearts and minds as everyone else, the same human nature. What makes them different:
So in the case of White Americans they take land from the American Indians (because they can) and make black men slaves (because they can). They knew it was wrong, but instead of stopping they made up lies about Blacks and American Indians (because they can), many of which they still believe to this day (because they can). They went off the rails, losing their hold on right and wrong, on the truth. It is still going on.
That is what power does to people. Read Orwell’s “Animal Farm”, Thucydides’s “History”, Shakespeare’s “King Lear” or even the Bible.
Whites use their power to make themselves look good and blacks look bad. From the time we are little children our minds are filled with “white is right” and “black is bad” over and over again, making white people big-headed and blacks self-hating. I am not going to use my blog to add to that. If the person had bothered to read any of my posts... I speak much more negatively about Blacks ironically. I attribute alot of Black peoples's downfalls to them not knowing who they are and where they come from. Funny thing, I feel the same about Whites.
My efforts are to uplift Blacks everywhere and it seems like that is offensive to some people... Doesn't that make THEM racist?